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We’ve all seen the pictures of growing landfills and trash-filled oceans… But how do we go from a society that throws away 4.5 lbs a day to one that throws away nothing? That’s what we explore in our recycling + zero waste stories.

ACTION necessary! August 6th Public Hearing at City Council

Dear Eco-Change Exchange Supporter, SPEAK UP THIS THURSDAY for ECO-CHANGE! AUGUST 6th at 5:30 PM at City Hall Teach-In, Budget Briefing, and Public Hearing

Why You Should Come: 1. Our “ROAD MAP FOR CHANGE” will be delivered to the City Council. It is based on our work at the Eco-Change Exchange Event and additional analysis of city policy and budget. The more people there on THIS THURSDAY, August 6th, the more seriously our City Council Members will take our priorities. The Road Map for Change spells out exactly what we want our elected officials to do! Be a part of it! 2. You Can Speak at the First PUBLIC BUDGET HEARINGS beginning at 6:00 PM.

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Turn “I’m Bored” into “I Made it Myself!”

It finally happened. My kids, who typically are full of ideas, uttered the words that can spark dread in the heart of any busy parent. "I’m bored. What can we do?"

We thought we had planned well for this summer. We had a list! And a calendar! But then plans changed, as they tend to do, and the heat blasted day after day, which changed more plans, and we found ourselves with more time to fill than interesting projects with which to fill it. Add to that two parents with heads full of deadlines and work obligations (rather than fun ideas) and it was clear we needed some help.

Thankfully, I found the Future Craft Collective.

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Boost Your Child’s Reading Scores, the Planet’s Health, and Your Savings (Yes, Really!)

Summertime as a parent is filled with the smell of sunscreen and sweaty children, the wiping off of sticky fingers (watermelon? lemonade? worms?), your (many) reminders to shut the door, and warning after warning about the loss that can occur in children’s reading skills over the summer break.

You can make sure your child’s reading skills stay sharp by ensuring that there are lots of interesting and age appropriate reading material in your home for your child to explore with and without you. Checking out materials from the library is always an option but (1) some days are simply too hot to strap a child in a car seat, (2) sometimes life is too hectic to track library books home and back to the library again before a fine is incurred, and (3) have I mentioned that it is hot?

Luckily Austin now has a very inexpensive and very green option for collecting reading materials for your child. It is Recycled Reads, the bookstore hosted by the Austin Public Library.

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Become a Citizen Gardener this Fall!

The fall classes for Citizen Gardener are now posted on the website!
The first set of fall classes begin on August 22!

Citizen Gardener is a program designed to engage Austin citizens in growing food locally. Interested individuals sign up for 10 hours taught by a seasoned and master gardener who provides a basis of information about organic gardening in central Texas. The participants then give back to the community with 10 hours of volunteering in other Austin citizen’s gardens.

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Eco-Change Exchange Reflections and Results

Beloved Community:

On June 25, 2009, over 40 Austin Environmental groups hosted an Eco-Change Exchange community forum to welcome our new Mayor and City Council members. During the opening reception participants enjoyed delicious, local, organic food provided by Barr Mansion as they milled among the closely packed table displays by environmental groups. Later council chambers buzzed with conversation about how to make Austin a leader among sustainable cities. The evening ended with a reading of a “Letter from the Future” written by the mayor of Austin in 2109. The letter thanked the visionary and dedicated participants of the Eco-Change Exchange for setting in motion changes that led to a beautiful, sustainable reality for people in 2109.

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40+ Environmental Groups Invite City Leaders & Public for an
Thursday, June 25, 2009
5:30-9pm at City Hall

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Zero Waste Survey

Just a reminder: you have until June 30th to participate in the Zero Waste

Joyce Basciano, VP (Programs)

Austin Neighborhoods Council


What’s your take on Zero Waste?

The City of Austin recently passed a resolution approving Zero Waste as a
comprehensive way to manage the nearly one million pounds of waste going
into our landfills each year. To achieve Zero Waste goals, the City is
striving for a 20% reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfills by
2012, a 75% reduction by 2020, and a 90% reduction by 2040. In order to

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Clear Clutter While Protecting the Environment with E-Waste Recycling

If your home is anything like mine, you have them. The old cell phones stashed in a desk drawer. The leftovers from computer upgrades tucked away in a closet. The hand-me-down TVs sitting in the corner of the garage. These obsolete electronics are known collectively as e-waste and they can take over your storage if you aren’t careful.

But this weekend you can bust your clutter while also ensuring that the metals and other toxic elements in these items don’t harm the environment.

On Saturday, June 20 from noon until 6:00 PM eco International will be collecting electronic items for recycling. The free recycling area will be located at the 1890 Ranch Shopping Center in Cedar Park. The 1890 Ranch Shopping Center is located at 1335 East Whitestone Blvd, which is the corner of Highway 183A and Whitestone Blvd (also known as FM 1431).

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June 28 Deadline to Submit Video in Search for Next Don’t Mess with Texas TV Commercial – Car2Can

AUSTIN, Texas—Texans have until June 28 to submit their video in search for the next Don’t Mess with Texas commercial. The winning video will air during prime-time television.

The idea behind Car2Can™, a first-ever video contest by Don’t Mess with Texas®, is creatively showing how to get trash from cars to trashcans instead of the side of Texas roadways.

The grand-prize winner’s video will air during prime-time television this summer, and the winner will also receive a $500 Wal-Mart gift card.

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