Welcome to the austin common.

(Formerly known as the Austin EcoNetwork)

We’re the local news site that helps you be informed and make a difference… right here in Austin, Texas.

If this your first time visiting? Learn more by clicking on one of the buttons below. Or, keep scrolling for a look at our most recent posts, stories, and suggested civic action items. 


Elections 101

We make learning about elections fun and easy! Click here for an archive of all our election guides.


News Articles

Look through our thousands of local news stories. New posts are added weekly and every story has a focus on community engagement and ways you can get involved.


Community Calendar

Discover new ways to connect to Austin's civic community with our community calendar, featuring events from dozens of local nonprofits & advocacy groups.

Featured Event

Community Art Sunday Pop-Up

Join Creative Action and the Downtown Austin Alliance for a day of art and community. 

“Most importantly, the data we are working with are not just numbers. This report is about real people. No analyses, quantitative or qualitative, can do justice to any of these individuals’ personal experiences.”

–  ECHO in their 2023 Needs & Gap report, as referenced in our latest story, “How Many People Are Experiencing Homelessness In Austin?”

The city manager just released a draft of the city’s budget for next year. Here’s what that means for you… 

The proposed budget includes a 4% wage increase for all civilian city employees.

If this budget passes, the average Austin homeowner will pay an extra $272 in city taxes and fees next year.

This is just a draft... which means there's still lots of time for you to get involved!

Join the Club

Love The Austin Common? Join The Common Club, our supporters network/Patreon community. As a member, you’ll gain access to special perks (like civic zines, t-shirts, & stickers) & fun programming. So what are you waiting for? Support a local community news source, meet cool people, & grow your civic knowledge.

Jobs For The Common Good

A full list of the coolest sustainability + civic jobs in Austin!

Your Vote Is Your Voice

As seen on social media...

Latest Quiz

Because it’s time for quizzes with more helpful information in them than “what kind of toast you are” or “which Disney princess you’re most like”… (sorry Buzzfeed). 


With our quizzes, we help you learn about your local community, get personalized advice, and of course, have a little fun. — Coming soon!

Connect with us!

Have any questions about The Austin Common? Just send us an email (info@theaustincommon.com). We’d love to chat. 

Action Item

Become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar!