Voice Your Opinion (it’s easy): Austin’s Energy Future
Austin Energy is requesting citizen input on its master plan in order to help determine our energy "mix" through 2020. The survey consists of 3 simple questions.
Do you know where the electricity in your house comes from? Coal? Solar? Nuclear? The answer impacts everything from climate change to environmental justice. That’s why we write stories about the local effort to make Austin’s energy supply more sustainable.
Austin Energy is requesting citizen input on its master plan in order to help determine our energy "mix" through 2020. The survey consists of 3 simple questions.
"Where are we going to put our energy in solving the energy problem?" Austin’s own Susan Meredith has a great new book out, Beyond Light Bulbs. The book goes beyond "green" to explore questions related to lifestyle, health, and work. Susan’s holistic approach expands the conversation to include new perspectives, and helps people see big picture opportunities related to solving energy problems.
Dear Eco-Change Exchange Supporter, SPEAK UP THIS THURSDAY for ECO-CHANGE! AUGUST 6th at 5:30 PM at City Hall Teach-In, Budget Briefing, and Public Hearing
Why You Should Come: 1. Our “ROAD MAP FOR CHANGE” will be delivered to the City Council. It is based on our work at the Eco-Change Exchange Event and additional analysis of city policy and budget. The more people there on THIS THURSDAY, August 6th, the more seriously our City Council Members will take our priorities. The Road Map for Change spells out exactly what we want our elected officials to do! Be a part of it! 2. You Can Speak at the First PUBLIC BUDGET HEARINGS beginning at 6:00 PM.
Did you know … Austin’s Electric Utility Advisory Board, “welcomes having public input.”
Austin’s Coal Future?
Austin Energy’s Advisory Meeting, THIS Monday is open to the public, raise your voice.
Monday will be one of the last chances for citizens to state their views on our City’s electric generation plan. Austin Energy plans on finalizing recommendations in August, regarding the “mix” of fuel sources we rely on for electricity.
The current plan keeps our city dependent on Coal through at least 2020 — and most likely far beyond.
THE BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY invites you to attend a free symposium in celebration of our 100th anniversary!
THE BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, established in 1909, is the oldest research unit at The University of Texas at Austin, and it also functions as the Texas State Geological Survey. Our mission is to provide research related to energy and environmental issues and to perform Geological Survey functions as requested by the Texas State Legislature.
Want to learn more about Solar Systems? Austin’s newest solar facility, Clean Tech Training Center has one day entry level classes for enthusiasts and beginners: (10am to 4pm) July 18th or Aug 11th (9am to 3pm) Advanced class starts Aug 12th 5% discount for AEN members. (9am to 6pm)
Beloved Community:
On June 25, 2009, over 40 Austin Environmental groups hosted an Eco-Change Exchange community forum to welcome our new Mayor and City Council members. During the opening reception participants enjoyed delicious, local, organic food provided by Barr Mansion as they milled among the closely packed table displays by environmental groups. Later council chambers buzzed with conversation about how to make Austin a leader among sustainable cities. The evening ended with a reading of a “Letter from the Future” written by the mayor of Austin in 2109. The letter thanked the visionary and dedicated participants of the Eco-Change Exchange for setting in motion changes that led to a beautiful, sustainable reality for people in 2109.
From: Steve Bouchard
Your Representative, out of just a handful, may decide whether historic energy and climate legislation passes today. It has come down to a handful of Members of Congress and Rep. Doggett is one of them.
Please call Rep. Doggett immediately: 877-9-REPOWER (877-9-737-6937)
We’ll connect you to your Representative after giving you talking points. Just be sure to tell them to support comprehensive clean energy legislation.
And then report your call so that we can coordinate this last minute campaign:
Note: Just this morning we received this email dated June 25, 2109 signed by the Mayor of Austin. Austin is the premier sustainable American city! This email from the future is in appreciation for all the work you do for the people of today and tomorrow.
Dear Citizens of 2009,
Today we held a celebration in your honor. We call you our Sustainers, our elders, who began the revolution of thought and actions that make our life here in 2109 possible. We thank you for having the vision that brought sustainability, peace and justice to our world.
40+ Environmental Groups Invite City Leaders & Public for an
Thursday, June 25, 2009
5:30-9pm at City Hall
Austin Energy is hiring a Product Development Coordinator to work with energy-efficiency programs. See the full job description at
Open until July 5
Contact Information
Contact Name: Carol Harwell
Contact Email: carol.harwell@austinenergy.com
Contact Phone: 512-322-6562