Do you know where the electricity in your house comes from? Coal? Solar? Nuclear? The answer impacts everything from climate change to environmental justice. That’s why we write stories about the local effort to make Austin’s energy supply more sustainable.
Via Eva Hernandez, Sierra Club: “Good news–yesterday UT’s SGA voted and the student body endorsed AE divesting from coal! The students will formally make this announcement, Thurs.
Sierra Club and friends organizing the Saturday Oct 31, 1pm Roll Beyond Coal event in Austin at City Hall Plaza are meeting every Monday in October to get the act together!
Concerning prices and Austin’s electricity future — the Pace Reports have made their recommendations without regard for alarming financial risks related to keeping the coal plant b
Concerning prices and Austin’s electricity future — the Pace Reports have made their recommendations without regard for alarming financial risks related to keeping the coal plant burning.
Roger Duncan — a true genius in energy planning and Austin Energy’s excellent General Manager, said some very interesting things at a Town Hall meeting last Wednesday concerning our utility’s next 10
Cyrus Reed, energy analyst from the CenTex Sierra Club says, (paraphrased) “The City’s own analysts have found WE CAN MOVE TO RENEWABLES AT LESS COST than doing nothing because coal and natural gas co