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Climate change is such a big, global, and kinda scary topic. That’s why we write climate stories with a local lens and a focus on what you can do to actually make a difference.

Endorse Clean Energy for Austin

Attention: Green businesses and Austinites!

If you were as frustrated as I was watching world leaders dither in Copenhagen while the Earth heats up and island nations continue making evacuation plans, there is good news on the horizon for Austin.

Austin Energy has developed a consensus plan that would establish our own CO2 cap and reduction plan. The great news is that by 2020, Austin’s investments in solar, wind and energy efficiency would allow us to reduce our dependence on the Fayette coal plant by 30 percent! This energy plan will also bring a wide variety of jobs to the city, from innovative clean technology companies to installation, retrofit and construction jobs.

We need support to pass the plan now!

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Vote to Send Citizen Sarah to Copenhagen!

If you haven’t heard, has a contest to send a citizen journalist to Copenhagen called the “Hopenhagen Ambassador Contest”. HuffPost, in conjunction with, is sending one person to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Change Conference to both represent concerns of people around the world and to report back daily as a HuffPost citizen journalist.

Our very our own Citizen Sarah is in the running and has a chance to go to cover this climactic event. So head over to the Huffington Post voting booth to check out her video and vote it up with a high rank!

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