Michele Hallahan joins us on Shades of Green Energy Radio to discuss what constitutes being Green, Renewable and Sustainable

Coming up Thursday, June 16th at 1 p.m. on Shades of Green Energy Radio (91.7 FM) we’ll be talking with Michele Hallahan.  Michele wears many hats in the sustainable industry but we’ll be talking specifically about the true definition of being green, renewable, sustainable and environmentally friendly and the standards that assure the public that products and services offered meet standards that can be trusted.

Once people really recognized the innate value and healthy benefits of true organic food much of the food industry wanted to call their products organic whether or not they were truly organic.  It became necessary to set up standards so people could trust the organic brand. Hallahan works as a certification auditor and trainer for international standards with Green Seal, an organization that has been providing standards qualifying products and services that people can trust are truly green.  Tune in to hear about who’s green and whose just greenwashing their way to a brand that sells.


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