Interfaith Environmental Network – Energy Action Team to Discuss Austin’s New Electric Generation Planning Process

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Interfaith Environmental Network –

Energy Action Team Meeting

Monday, March 10 2014

6:30 Potluck Meet and Greet – 7.00pm meeting

@ Beth Israel 3901 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin, TX 78756

We are organizing a learning and planning meeting for our involvement in the Austin Energy (AE) Generation Plan update process.   We are going to get everyone up-to-speed on the process and the proposed plan. Following up we are going to define what we think are the right criteria for the plan. This will help us and city council to be able to make a value judgment of the proposals that will be coming out. You can see it as our measuring stick. The third part of the meeting is action oriented. We will have three groups working on different topics so we can all fit in and participate. Your input is important!

The agenda includes:
Education / Presentation 

•    AE Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan
•    Timetable to Influence It 

Group Discussion
•    Identifying Spiritual / Sanctity of Life Criteria into the Evaluation of the Plan

Group Break Out Sessions
•    Group A: Strong Understanding of AE Plan / Ready to Look at Strategy for Influence
•    Group B: Needs More Information about AE Plan or How to Influence
•    Group C: New to the Game or Working to Develop Green Shepherds Program 

The two most important short term topics in this process are:

– March 17th, Austin Energy will present the scenarios to the EUC (Electric Utility Commission) based on their initial proposals and our feedback

– Installation of a Austin Generation Resource Planning Task Force that was approved today that will channel our input and make recommendations to council. Council members talked today about the importance or a renewed leadership to climate change while stressing the importance of affordability.

We would love to see you take part in this process so come on out!

On behalf of the IEN Energy Action Team


About IEN

Interfaith Environmental Network of Austin aims to satisfy the environmental needs of the community, especially the underserved and aims to create and share information and experiences on the theology, ecology, and actions of becoming better environmental stewards, and aims to share the faith communities’ perspectives on environmental concerns with public officials.


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