Trash to Treasure

Beauty is all around us. Some of us are gifted with the ability to sight beauty in every day objects. Laura Bergman, is one such artist who might identify with the time old saying “one mans trash is another mans treasure”, or in this case woman. Laura is able to notice beauty in common garbage and transform it into beautiful jewelry.
Jewelry can make or break you. It’s important to create a balance between all elements of your look. Elegant and simplistic; Laura’s Bottled Up Designs are a perfect and subtle compliment to any outfit.

The beautiful vintage glass is collected from old glass and bottle dumps in the rural farmland of Pennsylvania, near Laura’s home. Each piece includes a description with the original consumer use of the glass. The pieces come from old coke bottles and vintage dinner ware. They are decorated with lightly etched florals and bold patterns, in cobalt and russet. Beautiful and elegant, your purchase helps to clean up these glass bottle dumps hidden in the countryside, and preserve a safe home for wildlife.
You can purchase her designs at

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