On May 1st, 8 different propositions will be on the ballot, including Prop E, which has to do with ranked choice voting.

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Don't forget to vote! Early voting begins April 19th & lasts through April 27th. Election Day is on May 1st.
Did you know there’s an election in May? Austinites will have the chance to vote on 8 different ballot propositions.
Freaking out because this is the first you’re hearing about it? Don’t worry, we’ll be releasing election guides on each of the propositions (A – H) until early voting begins on April 19th.
Plus, in partnership with the Hispanic Austin Leadership (HAL) Program of the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, this year’s guides will be available in both English and Spanish!
PS – For Prop E, we released our election guide in two parts. Part 1 covered the basics of ranked choice voting and how it works. In Part 2, we’ll share the arguments for and against it, as well as how it could be implemented in Austin.
PPS – Want to learn more about Prop E? Check out these links:
You can visit Austinites For Progressive Reform’s Prop E website here.
You can learn more about ranked choice voting at FairVote.org here.
You can read the Community Impact News article on Prop E here.
You can read the Austin American-Statesman no endorsement here.
You can read the New York Times article on ranked choice voting in New York City here.
Sample ballots & voting info for Travis County residents – VoteTravis.com
Sample ballots & voting info for Williamson County residents – Wilco.org