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We’ve all seen the pictures of growing landfills and trash-filled oceans… But how do we go from a society that throws away 4.5 lbs a day to one that throws away nothing? That’s what we explore in our recycling + zero waste stories.

TDS Eco Academy
Texas Disposal Systems

TDS Launches Eco Academy For Local Schools

Sponsored Post – from Texas Disposal Systems At Texas Disposal Systems (TDS), we strive to make a positive and lasting impact on the future by helping schools manage and divert waste to beneficial uses. That’s why we created the TDS Eco Academy, a program that

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South By South Best
Amy Stansbury

South By South Best

Sponsored Post – from the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore Have you ever been to the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore? It’s an amazing place that resells donated building materials, furniture, appliances, and fixtures in working condition (both new and used) from remodeling jobs, business

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Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Amy Stansbury

It’s Time To Clear Out the Clutter

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore – It’s the new year, which means it’s New Year’s Resolution time. If you made a promise to clear out the clutter, then the Habitat for Humanity ReStore is here to help. They’re asking you to donate any

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TDS Compost
Amy Stansbury

TDS Helps Customers Compost

Sponsored Post – from Texas Disposal Systems As of October 1st, Austin’s Universal Recycling Ordinance (URO) requires food-permitted businesses over 15,000 square feet to ensure their employees have convenient access to organics diversion services. From there, the program will slowly roll out and be applicable

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Compost Pumpkin
Amy Stansbury

Your Guide to A Green Halloween

Happy Halloween! That means lots of tasty treats, scary costumes, and of course pumpkins. But what happens with all of those pumpkins on November 1st, when the trick-or-treating is over? Often times, they just end up in the trash. The Compost Coalition is hoping to

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Plastic Deer
Amy Stansbury

Art with a Purpose

Sponsored Post – from Austin Resource Recovery   Local artist Calder Kamin is all about taking care of the environment. With a deep love of nature and its diversity, Calder is using her artwork to question the impact humans have on the environment. Lately, her

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2015 [Re]Verse Pitch Winner
Amy Stansbury

You Can Turn Trash Into Treasure

Are you an entrepreneur looking to make a social impact? Here’s a great opportunity for you. Participate in the [Re]Verse Pitch Competition and help solve both an economic and environmental challenge. Here’s how it works – Local companies and institutions will pitch their surplus and byproduct materials and you, the

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Trash Makeover Challenge 2015
Amy Stansbury

Party like it’s 1991

Sponsored Post – with Texas Campaign for the Environment Are you ready to party like it’s 1991? That’s the theme of this year’s Trash Makeover Challenge, presented by Texas Campaign for the Environment. This annual fashion show brings together designers and artists from throughout Texas in a

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Austin City Hall
Amy Stansbury

And here’s Austin’s new budget…

After months of negotiations and meetings, the City of Austin has a budget. Last week, City Council approved a $3.7 billion budget for the 2016/2017 fiscal year, which begins on October 1st. The general fund (which pays for police, fire, libraries, parks, etc) is $970 million.

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Compost Hands
Amy Stansbury

Got Dirt?

Did you know? The City of Austin makes its own compost. It’s called Dillo Dirt and it’s made from yard trimmings collected curbside from Austin Resource Recovery customers, combined with treated sewage sludge. (Don’t worry about the sludge. During the composting process it’s heated to a

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City of Austin Composting
Amy Stansbury

Budget Update: Parks & Compost

The ever-important negotiations over the City of Austin’s budget are now starting to heat up. Late last month, the city’s Budget Office released a draft proposal for the city’s $3.7 billion budget for the new fiscal year, which begins on October 1st. For a refresher on what

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