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We’ve all seen the pictures of growing landfills and trash-filled oceans… But how do we go from a society that throws away 4.5 lbs a day to one that throws away nothing? That’s what we explore in our recycling + zero waste stories.

Amy Stansbury

The Austin Reuse Directory Is Here!

It’s finally here! We’ve been working hard on an exciting new project for several months now and we’re happy to announce that the Austin Reuse Directory is now live.   So what is the Austin Reuse Directory? The Austin Reuse Directory is a project from the Austin EcoNetwork, supported by Austin Resource

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Christmas Present
Amy Stansbury

Austin’s Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gift Guide

With the holiday season in full swing, there’s pressure from television, commercials, and social media to purchase the perfect gift for every single person you know. Well, we’re here to help you take a step back from the madness. You don’t need to spend a

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Leanne Valenti
Amy Stansbury

Net-Zero Hero: Leanne Valenti

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability  Meet Leanne Valenti, owner of Bento Picnic — a local Austin food business founded in 2015. At Bento Picnic, Leanne and her team create fresh, Japanese-inspired meals for Austinites to enjoy. They put a lot of thought into

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Amy Stansbury

Save The Food

In Travis County (where Austin is located) 18 percent of the population and 25 percent of the children are food insecure. This means that they don’t know where their next meal will come from. Meanwhile, 194.5 million pounds of food (worth more than $208 million)

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Recycling Bins
Amy Stansbury

Recycling and Composting Training For Businesses

Are you a business owner who is worried about how to comply with the URO (Universal Recycling Ordinance)? Do you need advice for how to effectively provide recycling and composting services? Then you’re in luck because Austin Resource Recovery is offering several free trainings to get you up to speed.

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Recycling Bins
Amy Stansbury

Your Guide To The Universal Recycling Ordinance

Did you know? The City of Austin has a set of rules that ensures that Austinites have convenient access to recycling. It’s called the Universal Recycling Ordinance (or the URO for short) and if you’re a business owner, landlord, or resident of Austin, it’s definitely something you should know

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Reuse Directory Screenshot
Amy Stansbury

Today Is National Reuse Day. Here’s How We’re Celebrating.

Today is National Reuse Day and the Austin EcoNetwork is celebrating with some big news. We’ve been working hard on an exciting new project for several months now and we’re happy to announce that it will be coming to you in early November. It’s called the Austin Reuse Directory and

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mini pumpkins
Amy Stansbury

Eco-Friendly Halloween Events

The year’s spookiest holiday is right around the corner. Lucky for you, there are lots of eco-friendly ways to celebrate in Austin. Here’s our roundup of Halloween events around town: Crafternoon at in.gredients: Create Your Own Halloween Mask (kid-friendly) – Saturday, October 14th from noon to 2pm Stranger Things Trivia

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Recycling Bins
Amy Stansbury

Curbside Composting Is Here

Curbside composting has arrived. Austin Resource Recovery began delivering green composting bins to 38,000 new customers in the city’s phase 1 composting rollout last week. You can check and see if your neighborhood is included in the initial rollout here>> If your house is included in the phase 1 rollout,

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Feeding the 5000 Austin
Amy Stansbury

Feeding 5000 People… With Wasted Food

Sponsored Post – from Austin Resource Recovery We all know that there is no shortage of amazing food in Austin. And yet, each year we toss out tons of it– at a huge cost to our community, wallet, and planet. Enter Feeding the 5000. Feeding the

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Compost Hands
Amy Stansbury

Reduce Food Waste With TDS

  Sponsored Post – from Texas Disposal Systems Beginning October 1st, Austin’s Universal Recycling Ordinance (URO) will require all food service enterprises greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet to ensure their employees have convenient access to organics diversion services. The ordinance supports Austin’s

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City of Austin Composting
Amy Stansbury

Curbside Composting Is Coming

It has finally arrived. The first phase of Austin Resource Recovery’s curbside composting program will be rolled out starting October 2nd. Phase one will bring the service to 38,000 customers in neighborhoods throughout the city. To see if your neighborhood is on this list, you can check out this map>> Residential curbside

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