It’s hot out there! Take care of yourself the eco-friendly way!


I know we live in Texas and we expect hot Texas summers, but it’s hot out there!  I mean it’s really, really, really hot! We keep breaking records, receiving heat advisories, and red flag warnings.Our current drought is now considered to be the third worst on record for Texas.

My favorite tune of late has been The Temptations song, “I Wish It Would Rain.”  I keep humming part of the chorus in my head:

♫ I wish it would rain (oh how I wish that it would rain)

Rain, rain, rain (oh how I wish that it would rain) ♫

But until that rain comes and temperatures start to drop, we need to make sure to take good care of ourselves the eco-friendly way. 

Eco-tip #1:  Water and lots of it!  Skip bottled water and still enjoy good H2O.  Just because it’s in a bottle doesn't mean it's purer. In fact, a lot of bottled is actually the same old (free) tap water you're looking to avoid. So invest in a few good BPA free bottles with built-in filters.  The filter primarily reduces the bad taste and odor of chlorine though it will also reduce other common impurities and particulates such as sediment, dirt, sand, silt, rust, limescale, and more. Filters will usually last for about 150 bottle refills. It’s a perfect bottle to take with you on the go.  Plan ahead and keep a jug of filtered water in your fridge to fill up your bottle when you leave for the day. Then you can refill it anywhere at anytime water is available to you. Not only will this be good for your body but good for the environment too!

So, be sure to drink large amounts of water especially when you are enjoying the great outdoors.  Water is not only beneficial but vital. To feel healthy and fit you have to stay hydrated every day. There’s a lot of advice about the proper amount of water an adult should drink every day — usually 8 to 12 8-ounce glasses— but only you know the amount that keeps you running at your best. Listen to yourself and don’t let yourself get dehydrated.

Eco-tip #2: Protect your skin with sunscreen lotion. Sadly, more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. every year. Prevention means blocking UVB and UVA radiation. But it also means steering clear of sunscreen lotions that contain chemicals and/or ingredients that include oxybenzone, which could disrupt the human hormonal system, and Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), which may boost skin cancer risk. (Even though a noted Researcher notes that retinyl palmitate is probably safe.) 

Check out Environmental Working Group's annual Sunscreen Guide

At their site you'll find there from the least expensive to the most expensive lotions available.  They also provide low hazard ratings for the ingredients found in natural sunscreen lotions.  It will also help you search for ones that have antioxidants, such as green tea and Vitamin E in them, or ones for sensitive skin, sportswear, and fragrance-free.Remember, though, "the best sunscreen is a hat and a shirt," as Environmental Working Group puts it.

So let’s hope it rains sooner rather than later.  In the meantime, take good care of yourself the eco-friendly way!

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