Insist on Healthy Food by Voting with your Wallet!

Buy Local, Buy Organic – Vote with your Dollars!

I’ve recently run across several articles (some of them old, some of them new) that continue to astound me as to the STUPIDITY and greed of the industrialized food production system and the complete lack of the FDA and our government to ensure that the food being distributed in this country is safe!  Yes, yes I know …. there is lots of lobby $$$ out there lining the pockets of those that are supposed to be in charge and overseeing the safety of our food.

But I say we as consumers have a LOT of money that can affect change as well!

Did you know that in a recent study released regarding US Food & Beverage spending, Austin was ranked #1: spending a whopping $12,500 annually per household on groceries & dining out (of course that also includes our "adult beverages" too – yipes!) See results:

So … need some info to get you on board with this concept of becoming a more discriminating shopper? … even if it seems to cost more (honestly … the unhealthy alternatives are much more costly)

First Revisit Mason Arnold’s Blog about GMOs in our food and be sure to read the guide (link at bottom of his blog):

Now visit these recent articles about pesticides in our food and new studies linking them to ADHD:

Personally I am just astounded that anyone would be so dumb as to use organophosphate pesticides (basically it’s a neuro-inhibitor which affects the nervous system of the insect — and humans.).  And the FDA allows it??  And then they wonder why we have so many cases of ADD, ADHD, Autism, and other neurological issues such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, etc.  (Duh!)

I’ve never been one for dietary supplements (because nothing can replace real food!) but I know many people who swear by them. 
Then I see this on Care2’s site about heavy metals being found in Dietary Supplements:
And in our everyday over the counter Vitamins: 
Be sure to also visit the list of the children’s and women’s pre-natal vitamins they are finding with trace elements of heavy metals:

I find it interesting that the FDA has found these heavy metals in these products (many of which are being made in China and the FDA doesn’t inspect their factories because they don’t see it as "risky") yet they are doing NOTHING to stop the sale and distribution of these products in the US!  But it’s not all the FDA’s fault: "Congress passed legislation in 1994 that allowed supplement makers to sell products without first getting approval from the F.D.A. for their ingredients or for basic health claims"

So I’m not one to throw out a problem without offering solutions or alternatives:

1) Arm yourself with knowledge –

2) Grow Your Own Food: Plant a garden or hire a service to install and maintain one for you.

3) SHOP LOCAL: Shop local Farmers Markets — we have LOTS in Austin.

4) BUY ORGANIC: We are lucky to have may organic options such as grocery stores AND FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES such as Mason Arnold’s

5) Send your message: write your lawmakers, write the grocery stores, encourage restaurants to buy local.

Thanks for helping put healthy food concerns to the forefront and voting with your wallet!

PS: Picture is of the lovely Green Beans and Bordeaux Spinach we’ve been growing in our backyard garden. Tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, okra, herbs and carrots all growing out there too!

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