How to Strengthen Your Family’s Immune Systems

All the media coverage of the latest flu, or influenza A H1N1, is causing some people to panic. I’ve felt my own concern growing now that the kids are back in school and back to heavy germ exposure. So I started thinking about what action I could take. Action is a great antidote to feelings of panic!

Once I took some deep breaths, I realized one of the best things would be to make sure my kids, Rich, and I have strong immune systems. Our time at school and work gives us exposure to plenty of local germs. I wanted to make sure all our defenses were in tip-top fighting shape for whatever we encountered.

Here are some of the best ways to bolster immune systems. As I wrote this, I was struck by how many of these items have multiple benefits. If we did these things all the time, my family would be leaner, happier, and healthier.

(1) Get plenty of rest. This can be tough, especially for new parents, but a good night’s sleep will do both you and your immune system a world of good. Studies have shown a clear link between immune functioning and sleep. A recent study suggests that sleep may have even evolved to defend against disease.

Experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep per day for adults. The recommended amounts for children vary according to the age of the child. If you aren’t sure how much sleep your child should be getting, check out this handy sleep guide on Web MD.

(2) Eat healthy food. Nutrient rich foods supply tons of ammunition for your body’s immune system. They also contain little sugar, which has been shown to reduce immune functioning. Healthy eating, as we all know, includes lots of fruits, veggies, and whole (not refined) grains. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Fruit smoothies, salads, and other quick and healthy meals are actually faster, and much cheaper, than picking up “fast” food.

(3) Move your body every day. Moderate regular exercise is simply magic. The benefits range from more stable blood sugar levels to reduced risk of high blood pressure, many cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc., etc. to increased immune functioning.

For those of you who are serious athletes, know that intense exercise has been shown to decrease immune functioning for up to three days. If you are running a marathon or participating in another intense endurance event, take extra steps to strengthen your immunity and reduce exposure afterwards.

(4) Have a laugh. Laughing helps your immune system by increasing the number and activity of T-cells, which are part of your body’s first line of defense against viral attacks. It also reduces stress hormones and releases endorphins, the natural opiates produces by the brain, so lets your body’s defenses have a break. Tell silly jokes with your kids, watch a funny movie together, or just think about laughing.

(5) Make time for tea. With two young daughters, we have many tea parties. It turns out that all that tea is good for our immune systems. Drinking tea increases your body’s ability to fight off germs and infections. Both green and black teas contain an amino acid called L-theanine, which increases the boy’s infection fighting capacity. No wonder our teddy bears are so healthy!

(6) Get some sunshine. Vitamin D has received a great deal of press lately (bone saving! cancer preventing!) but one of its less well-known traits is strengthening immunity. The easiest way to get the Vitamin D you need is to have 10-15 minutes of sun exposure. Exposure through windows or on skin covered with sunscreen will not do the trick.

If you work nights or live in an area that does not receive much sun, supplements are available. Cod liver oil, tuna, salmon and fortified milk are all dietary sources. You may find Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D particularly relevant and interesting reading.

(7) Take steps to reduce your stress. Stress does more than cause headaches and tense muscles – it also depresses your immune system. Take the time to do something nice for yourself to help reduce the impact of stress in your life. Talk with a friend, take a hot bath, meditate, read a book, or do something else that makes you feel relaxed. You’ll rejuvenate yourself and your immune system.

The Centers for Disease Control have also published some helpful tips for limiting exposure.

Be well!

The original version of this article was published at Greening Families. Given the time of year, we thought it was worth revisiting. Come visit us for more earth, wallet, and family friendly tips!

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