Earth Day 2011: What we can do

Earth Day 2011: Get Involved The first Earth Day was held April 22, 1970 when grassroots demonstrations across the country called for U.S. leaders to place protecting the environmental on the national agenda. Today, we find ourselves in an even greater crisis on the planet. So what can we do about it?

As we change the way we live and choose clean, renewable energy, we reduce the pollution that fuels climate change and makes the air in most large cities around the world unfit to breathe. Solutions are available and awareness is growing, but political will is needed to make the leap forward to sustainable ways of living on the planet. Making your voice heard on the environment can help bring about the political will needed to turn global warming around and clean up toxic pollution. The same way that individual efforts to conserve energy works to make significant reductions in global-warming emissions, each one of us doing our part, becomes a force of millions — one by one.

Vote for candidates who are knowledgeable and who care about the environment. Write letters to the editor of the newspapers you read. Get involved with organizations that are working to protect the environment. Join forces with other who have your concern about the environment. And don’t forget, on this Earth Day and every day you can make a difference.

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