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Let’s face it. Life is complicated… and confusing. Which can make it difficult to do things like shop local, reduce your carbon footprint, vote, eat healthy, clean your house, and still remember to call your mom every once in a while. That’s where we come in. Look through our guides and how-to articles for practical advice on how to live your best Austin life! 

News Archives

News Archives

Every story we've ever written, sorted by topic. Perfect for students working on research projects or anyone who’s newly passionate about a topic (or just moved to town) and wants to familiarize themselves with the local scene.

The People's Dictionary of Austin

The People's Dictionary of Austin.

Your guide to all of the jargon-y terms you don't understand when you read the news, but have been too embarrassed to ask about. ---Coming soon!

Newcomers Guide

The Newcomer's Socially-Conscious Guide To Austin

Just moved to town? Lived here for a few years, but are just starting to get more civically engaged? Then this is the guide for you! ---- Coming soon!

How The Heck Do I? - Header
MetroRapid Bus
1 News Item You Need To Know
Amy Stansbury

Here’s How To Give Input On New Bus Lines In Austin

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the future of transportation in Austin. In particular, the possibility of a 2020 election that could allow Austin voters to decide whether or not we want a high capacity transit system. But it’s not all just about the

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Amy Stansbury

How To Build A Playground In Just 6 Hours.

Want to help build a brand-new playground in Austin? Want to do it in just six hours?   That’s what’s possible with KaBOOM!   KaBOOM is national nonprofit dedicated to giving all kids, especially those living in poverty, great, safe places to play. On November 6th, they’re building

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It's My Park Day Project Leader
Amy Stansbury

Love Parks? Here’s How You Can Make Them Even Better.

Stressing because all of the world’s problems seem so big? Feel like there’s nothing you can do to make a positive impact?   Here’s one simple way you can make a difference… right in your own neighborhood. Sign up to become an It’s My Park Day

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Environmental Steward
Amy Stansbury

How to be an Environmental Steward in Your Neighborhood

Sponsored Post – from Texas Disposal Systems   A big movement begins with just one person making a difference. With 7.5 billion people calling Earth home, creating a cleaner, more sustainable environment probably seems like a daunting task, but what happens if we start by

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