How To Support The Environment and Shop Local In Austin

How To Support The Environment and Shop Local In Austin

Austin Reuse Directory

What's Inside...

It happens to all of us.


You’re cleaning out your closet. And you’re feeling good. Fresher. Lighter. Like you’re a whole new person.


And then you look down at the bags of used clothes at your feet. What now? Do you throw them away?


Or does that make you feel guilty? So instead you just drive them around in the trunk of your car for a few months because you have no idea what to actually do with them?


This is exactly why we built the Austin Reuse Directory. First launched in 2017 (with support from Austin Resource Recovery), the online directory helps Austinites figure out where to donate or sell their used clothes, furniture, books, and other household items. So far, it has helped tens of thousands of Austinites divert perfectly good items from the landfill.


Today, we’re ready to take things to the next level. We’re super excited to announce that we’ve made some major upgrades to the directory (once again, with support from Austin Resource Recovery). You’re now able to use the directory not only to figure out where to donate or sell used items, but also where to buy upcycled or used, as well as where to rent or repair items.


Have a cell phone with a cracked screen? You can now use the directory to find where to get it fixed.


Have a wedding coming up and need a tux? Use the directory to figure out where to rent one.


On the hunt for a funky 1970s dress? Use the directory to discover all the best thrift stores in town.


Have a bunch of old toys you don’t need anymore because the kids are all grown up? Use the directory to figure out where to donate them to children in need.


Our hope is that you’ll bookmark the Reuse Directory on your computer/phone and use it any time you’re about to throw something in the trash or buy something brand-new from some generic big box store. It’s a really simple way to save money, do something good for the environment, and support local businesses… all at the same time!


PS – If you’re a local business owner or nonprofit organization that thinks you should be listed on the directory, but don’t see yourself on it, fill out this form and we’ll get you added ASAP.




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