*Note: This talk will be presented remotely via Zoom and on the Energy Institute’s YouTube channel. See access details after the bio.
Bio: Demond Drummer is co-founder and executive director of New Consensus. He is an organizer and civic innovator whose grassroots work in Chicago has been recognized by the Obama Administration, Code for America and the Aspen Institute.
Abstract: New Consensus is a think tank that aims to solve problems like climate change, economic stagnation, racial and rural wealth gaps, and more by proposing solutions modeled after mass economic mobilizations of the past. New consensus thinkers are exploring how government and other public institutions can lead the transition to a green economy, close wealth and income gaps between groups, spearhead innovation and research, kick-start new high wage industries, and more.
Join Demond Drummer, Co-Founder & Executive Director of New Consensus, in his pre-election conversation with Dr. Carey King as they discuss the challenges of reaching New Consensus’ goals while remaining non-partisan, making effective use of government capabilities, and directly confronting important tradeoffs (equity, environment/energy, economy) rather than using these tradeoffs to foster division (e.g., your energy technology/policy hurts poor people).
Note: This talk will be presented remotely via Zoom Webinar and on the Energy Institute’s YouTube channel. If using Zoom, viewers must register for an account with Zoom and log in to Zoom using that registration in order to use the meeting link and participate. Faculty, students and staff of UT, please use your personal UT Zoom account.
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