Win The Holidays With Creative Gifts Made From Reused Materials

Win The Holidays With Creative Gifts Made From Reused Materials

Austin Creative Reuse Store

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Calling all you crafters out there! It’s time for another Austin Creative Reuse and Rethink Contest.


But this month, they’re doing things a little differently. Instead of choosing a specific material for the challenge, Austin Creative Reuse is simply asking you to make the best holiday gifts and decorations you can… all out of reused materials. 


Want to join in on the fun? Here’s how it works. 


  • Stop by Austin Creative Reuse anytime this month to pick up all the crafting supplies you could ever need.
  • Start creating! Take your supplies home and create whatever your heart desires. The only rule is that all the materials must be reused.
  • Once you’re done, email two photos of your creation (plus your contact info and a short description of the materials used) to
  • The deadline to submit your work is December 31st
  • The winner will be announced on social media

Who says caring for the environment can’t be fun 🙂

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