Valentine’s Day the Eco Way!

We all know that we should be showing our love to the special people in our lives on a regular, ongoing basis. It can also be fun to have an excuse to do something extra special. Unfortunately, the mainstream chocolates and flowers are not great on several levels.

Most flowers are grown with LOTS of chemicals and express air-mailed from all over the planet  – that leaves quite an ecological footprint. Solutions? Buy local flowers, give potted plants that are native and adapted to this area, or give seeds for a spring garden!!! There’s nothing like wathcing your love grow, on a vine, up a trellis, or on a stalk.

And chocolate can be less than sweet if it comes from child labor, forced labor or unfair trade practices. Learn more about the story behind the chocolate production from Green America. In general, look for Fair Trade-labeled chocolate, in addition to Certified Organic. We are lucky to have many local retailers to buy such goodies in Austin. One such gem is AEN Founding EcoBusiness Partner Eco-Wise.

While we’re at it, let’s change the whole chocolate industry! Ask your favorite chocolatier about where their chocolate comes from and the conditions under which the cacao was grown and harvested. Check out this chocolate scorecard, as well as other action ideas, and tell your retailers about it too. Tell them it’s important to you that your treats be filled with love, not child labor.

So here are a few more ideas of ways to honor your loved ones (significant others, plus parents, kids, and people who support you in various ways!)

@~,’~ Give the gift of relaxation! (reminder about our newest partner!) EcoCentric Massage and Wellness Center, Everything from the oils to the sheets to the special treats she serves honor humans and the earth. Contact Patrice Roisman-Carter to make appointments before the big day at 512-917-0882 or 

@~,’~ Spread the food love! 

If food is the fastest way to the heart then we’ve got some good ideas.
How about a CSA subscriptions for your family and loved ones? Community Supported Agriculture allows you to buy a share of a farm’s crops for a season. It spreads the risk, builds community and provides an affordable, steady stream of produce (and sometimes other goodies) on a weekly basis. This would be a gift of continuing vitality and health AND help support Central Texas farmers, who need all the love they can get!
Austin EcoNetwork Partner CSAs:
     Urban Roots (food grown by youth!)
     Urban Patchwork (neighborhood based!)
     Farmhouse Delivery (organic and local)
Other CSAs:

And if a CSA is too much of a commitment, how about an all-organic bunch of goodness from Greenling. They offer Gift Certtficates and Gift Baskets.
Or visit our local farmers’ markets (See EcoCalendar) or make a farm visit with your honey and pick up some local food (or local honey!) for a home cooked meal. You can get recipe ideas and the back story on local food artisans in Edible Austin.
@~,’~ Treat yourself to new sheets, natural fibers and organic, from Wildflower Organics or Eco-Wise
@~,’~ Shop LOCAL & Green – see the Austin EcoDirectories. Get and give Go Local cards, available at participating businesses and the farmers’ markets.

What other green ideas do you have for Valentine’s Day?

Share them in the comments below! We love to hear from you and your suggestions for how you make this holiday a bit more conscious would be greatly appreciated from all of us. Good ideas could be featured in our upcoming EcoNewsletters.


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