Urban Roots is Seeking Spring Interns

Urban Roots is seeking a Social Media & Web Apprentice and a Development Apprentice for the spring of 2012.

Social Media & Web Apprentice

Social Media & Web Apprenticeship Responsibilities
The Social Media & Web Apprentice must possess a strong knowledge of and passion for the digital media landscape. The Apprentice will be responsible for maintaining Urban Roots’ website, blog, and for all online outreach using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. The Apprentice chosen for this position must be a self-starter who possesses the skills and the drive to expand Urban Roots’ online presence and build our online community. The Apprentice must be a team player who is technologically savvy with experience managing Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts and who possesses strong communication skills, enthusiasm for sustainable agriculture, youth development, and building community through local food. Knowledge of WordPress is highly recommended. Previous social media, marketing, public relations, and/or communications experience preferred.

Duration of Internship
February – May, 2012

Hours per week
12-20 hours per week, more hours preferred

We are unable to pay interns a stipend, but they will receive lots of fresh produce from the farm and can earn class credit.

Application Method
Please submit a cover letter and resume.

Application Contact Information 
Shirene Garcia: shirene@urbanrootsatx.org

Development Apprentice

Development Apprenticeship Responsibilities
The Development Apprentice will spend the majority of their time working in the office on event planning, grant writing, seeking in-kind donations, and other administrative tasks. They will also have the opportunity to work on the farm occasionally, but this will not constitute the bulk of their work.

Duration of Internship
February – May, 2012

Hours per week
12-20 hours per week, more hours preferred

We are unable to pay interns a stipend, but they will receive lots of fresh produce from the farm and can earn class credit.

Qualifications of Intern
The Development Apprentice must have excellent time management and great writing and organizational skills. This position is great for self-motivated workers, as Urban Roots is a dynamic workplace with lots of moving parts. Previous experience organizing events and writing grants is preferred, but not required. Applicants should work well under pressure and have experience working with Microsoft Office programs, especially Microsoft Word and Excel.

Application Method
Please submit a cover letter and resume.

Application Contact Information 
Shirene Garcia: shirene@urbanrootsatx.org

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