Today Is Election Day. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Today Is Election Day. Here’s What You Need to Know.

All In Favor Vote Socks

It’s happening! Today is Election Day. That’s right, you now have the chance to help choose the future leaders of our city, state, and country.


Here’s everything you need to know to cast an informed vote:


1. Early voting started on October 22nd and lasts through Friday, November 2nd. Election Day is on Tuesday, November 6th.


2. A list of voting locations for Travis County (which is where most of Austin is located) is available here. You can vote at any of these locations.


3. One of the easiest ways to get up to speed on all of the candidates running for all of the different elected positions is to go to The website is run by the League of Women Voters and contains personalized, nonpartisan info about all the candidates. All you have to do is type in your address and click enter!


4. Learn more about the upcoming bond elections (Props A through G on the ballot) on the city’s website. Learn about all eleven local propositions on the ballot with our latest blog post.


5. Learn how the City Council candidates feel about everything from the environment to transportation with, a project from Leadership Austin and the Austin Tech Alliance


6. Listen to podcasts of the past few episodes of Shades of Green, all of which focus on environmental issues in the upcoming election.



7. Watch the Climate and Energy City Council candidate forums hosted by 350 Austin, Solar Austin, Earth Day Austin, and Shades of Green. You can watch them all on Solar Austin’s Facebook page.


Mayoral Forum


District 8 Forum


District 9 Forum


Districts 1 and 3 Forum


Districts 1 and 3 Forum


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