Guest Post - from Al Braden Austin City Council's vote on October 1st was groundbreaking - authorizing 300 MW West Texas Solar - roughly one full solar panel or 300 watts of solar for every citizen in the Austin area. On October 15th, they'll be able to...

Guest Post - from Al Braden Austin City Council reviewed plans for up to 600 MW West Texas solar at their October 1 meeting. After an hour discussion - 9 hands raised in support of action authorizing 300 MW of solar power to be built and contracted...

Guest Post - from Al Braden With deadlines looming, Austin City Council continued its push for 600 MW of West Texas solar in a Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee (AEUOC) chaired by Council Member Gallo and meeting on September 24. Austin city staff at Austin Energy noted...

Sponsored Post - from Amy Olsen with Native At 5:00 every morning we stumble out of bed, grab our headlamps and start our days. Kris heads out to the pasture to feed our chickens, we’ve lost count at over 4,000 of them now. The low hum...

[Energy] The US government wants you to improve the energy efficiency of your home. And, to make this as easy as possible, they’re deploying an army of trained professionals to cities across the country, all with one mission in mind - to give Americans a Home Energy Score.Kind of like...

KOOP radio station, home of Shades of Green, has officially gone solar. With the help of a dedicated team of volunteers, 24 solar panels were installed on KOOP's roof earlier this summer and the radio station is now getting about 50 - 60 percent of...