ACR's Crafty Hour takes place on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of each moth. It's a time to come hangout in our workshop and create with others! We'll have tons of materials available for you to play with, with a heavy focus on the Reuse...

Volunteer opportunity for one of the Plastic Reduction Project's key initiatives. We aim to rate locally owned restaurants on their use of single-use plastics, then engage with owners/managers towards better plastics related choices. Register for the Zoom event here.      About the Plastic Reduction Project: We aim to...

Join us at Austin Creative Reuse Market Days featuring some of the most creative reusers in Austin! With over 50 vendors showcasing the best reuse pieces including jewelry, home goods, upcycled clothing, and more, you’re sure to find something to treasure....

In this workshop we'll learn some fun embroidery techniques for repairing small holes or stains as well as some hand and machine sewing methods for mending or covering larger ones. This is a way to both personalize your clothes and increase their lifespan. We'll go...

Join the chicken keeping community! Keeping chickens is a great way to keep your food waste out of the landfill. Chickens can recycle your food scraps. Chicken keeping and composting methods go hand-in-hand to keep food waste out of the landfill while creating healthy soil. This program...

During the opening pitch event, you will hear from businesses and institutions consistently generating or collecting by-product, surplus or otherwise underutilized materials streams in Austin, Texas that could be put to higher and better use in new social enterprises. Join us for a virtual presentation to...

Join the home composting community! Composting is nature's way of recycling. Rather than sending your food scraps and lawn clippings to the landfill, you can turn them into a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants, garden or lawn by using a home composting system. Learn more: Get free tickets...

Join the City of Austin’s Circular Economy Program for a virtual networking series, Circular Meet-Ups. Happening the first Tuesday of every other month, Circular Meet-Ups provide an opportunity for local business owners, start-ups and sustainability professionals across all industries to connect and learn more about...

The world is (finally) turning away from burning fossil fuels, so the fossil fuel industry has a backup plan: A mind-blowing increase in plastic production. They are unopposed, and in many cases actively aided, by governments. Learn more about this, and the health, climate &...

Observed each year on the third Monday in January, MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. Making time to volunteer for MLK Day of Service is a great way...