From the State of Texas Alliance For Recycling (STAR) - Join us for a day of information sharing and partnership building to help support the growth and expansion of recycling and waste diversion opportunities around the Central Texas area. Our 2019 SPARK Theme is REUSE and we...

From the State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) - Join the State of Texas Alliance for Recycling Central Texas group for a tour of Ecology Action's Circle Acres. Circle Acres is located on roughly 9.7 acres in the Montopolis neighborhood of southeast Austin. As a...

Austin Resource Recovery is considering two major changes to its residential curbside pickup services and it wants your opinions. The department is currently asking for public input on two service expansions - weekly recycling pickup and organics/composting collection. This input will be considered while Austin Resource Recovery is...

  Guest Post - from Texas Campaign for the Environment Austin’s recycling department, Austin Resource Recovery (ARR), has released a survey asking residents about two proposed ideas for reducing waste - upgrading the existing curbside recycling program to weekly service, or launching a new service for city-wide curbside composting....

From the State of Texas Alliance for Recycling - S.P.A.R.K. Forum = Supporting Partnerships And Recycling Knowledge. Join STAR Central Texas for a day of information sharing and partnership building. STAR Central Texas is the new name for the Central Texas Recycling Committee (CTRC) of STAR (State of...

From the Austin Zero Waste Alliance - It’s been a while, with an early meeting in November and no meeting in December, but a new  year means it’s time for a new push for better Zero Waste policies here in Austin. We’d love to have you...

Conducted by The ReUse People Hosted by Austin Economic Development Department & Austin Resource Recovery Trained deconstruction crews can salvage as much as 80 percent of a building’s materials, such as doors, windows, cabinets, lighting and plumbing fixtures, framing lumber, roofing materials, and flooring. Deconstructing buildings since 1993, The ReUse...

From the Austin Public Library - Austin currently keeps forty percent of its waste out of landfills through recycling and composting. The City of Austin's goal is to keep ninety percent of waste out of landfills by 2040. To generate enthusiasm for the ninety percent goal,...