SummaryAustin currently has a gap of about 1,700 Rapid Rehousing units. Action BoxVOCAL-TX is hosting a mayoral candidate forum on homelessness on September 12th. Attend to learn more about local elected officials' policy proposals for addressing homelessness in our community. Our series on homelessness in...

SummaryAustin currently has about 1,475 emergency shelter beds for people experiencing homelessness. Action BoxDonate or volunteer with a local nonprofit organization that serves those experiencing homelessness in our community. Our series on homelessness continues with an overview of Austin's emergency shelter capacity, a key component...

This episode of the The Austin Common Radio Hour kicks off a mini-series on homelessness in Austin. In this first episode, we focus on some of the first steps a person experiencing homelessness might take on their path toward receiving services and eventually gaining access...

SummaryAustin has several different ways for measuring how many people in our community are experiencing homelessness. Action BoxDonate or volunteer with a local nonprofit organization that serves those experiencing homelessness in our community. Homelessness. It's one of the biggest issues facing our community. That's why...