Prop B & The Onion Creek Greenway

Prop B & The Onion Creek Greenway

Onion Creek Greenway
We Actually Explain The News


Travis County voters will have two important propositions on their ballot this year - Prop A & Prop B. There are also 14 statewide propositions on the ballot this year.

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Vote! Early voting starts on October 23rd and Election Day is November 7th.

Election Day is November 7th & if you live in Travis County, one of the things you’ll see on your ballot is Prop B, a $276 million parks bond.


This video goes over one aspect of that bond… the Onion Creek Greenway. If Prop B passes, $15.5 million will be spent to construct a trail along the creek, connecting Richard Moya Park to McKinney Falls Parkway (right outside McKinney Falls State Park). 


PPS – If the video below doesn’t load, you can watch the video on YouTube here

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