Profile Details
Mothering Earth
Educate, enlighten and inspire people to live in a sustainable way on our Mother Earth. As the title Mothering Earth suggests, we all need to learn to "mother" our planet, by living gently and sustainably on her.
Just one person on a mission to do good!
I am a media producer and educator with a deep and abiding interest in protecting our Mother Earth. 1. The podcast program Mothering Earth is my latest effort to spread the word that we all need to mother Earth. The 26-minute interview program airs on Wimberley Valley Radio, and is a podcast on most podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts. I have been producing Mothering Earth for more than five years and have a library of 69 programs which cover a wide range of topics related to sustainable living. My tagline is that Mothering Earth is "your source for sustainable living news." See list of programs here: 2. I produced and offer for sale a video on creating healthy soil in your garden. It is titled This Good Earth, and is available on Amazon. 3. I live my beliefs by being a vegetarian (for more than 40 years), having solar panels on my house, rainwater collection and being an organic gardener for more than 40 years. I recycle, conserve water, bike when I can, and try, in general, to practice what I preach.
No employees. My husband is my sound engineer and edits the audio for the program.
My program airs on my local radio station and is available as a podcast. The issues I have covered in my program are sometimes directly related to my community, as in a program about the one-water school being built here in Wimberley. Sustainable living applies everywhere, so naturally, the issues I cover are directly related to the lives of the people that live here.
Mothering Earth is all about informing people of issues related to living a sustainable life. I focus on the issue during an interview with an expert, and during the conversation we talk about what problems exist, why they are important, and in what ways people can be part of the solution.. My intent is to educate listeners and also to inspire them to create changes in their own lives that will benefit the planet. My programs are highly informative, interesting, fun and almost never preachy.
I have a long background in video/audio storytelling and production, so producing Mothering Earth has been without major challenges. What I do have a problem with is promotion. I am not good at promoting myself, although I have been trying, mainly by using social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Yet my listener numbers are nowhere near what I would like them to be! After 5 years, I am still struggling with that, and hope that by joining the Austin Common, that I can grow my audience.
Climate Change, Energy, Water , Food, Transportation , Recycling/ Zero Waste, Housing/ Land Use, Parks/ Outdoors
Mothering Earth
Social Profiles & Contact Info
@docudr @mygardentoad