Profile Details
The Austin Common
Our goal is that every Austinite is happy, healthy and contributing to making our city a better place to live. We envision an Austin where everyone votes in local elections, shops at socially-conscious businesses, volunteers for nonprofit organizations, reuses and recycles, sits in less traffic, and makes a living wage at a job they love.
For-Profit Business
Austin Green Business Leader
1. In all of our news coverage (on our website, newsletter, and social media) we focus on actually explaining the news + providing clear steps for action. We also design all of our content in a way that can be understand by both newcomers and longtime Ausitnites alike, in order to make this important information accessible to all. 2. Through our Austin Common Partnership program, we work with local businesses, nonprofits, and government departments who are doing good in the world and connect them with the larger Austin community in a way that actually resonates. We like to think of ourselves as translators, helping small organizations that don't have funding for full-time media staff de-jargon their language, tell their story, and get the exposure they deserve. In an increasingly competitive economy, we choose to only help organizations that are doing good... for their employees, customers, community, and the planet. 3. With our two individual membership programs (The Common Club and the Common Good Professional Network), we help to build community and provide Austinites with the support they need to live their best Austin life. Because the truth is, our biggest barrier to making a real difference in this world isn’t simply a lack of information… It’s a lack of community. There’s only so much we can achieve if we go at it alone. Together, we achieve so much more (and have a lot more fun while we’re doing it.)
We have two types of customers - our readers and our community partners (businesses, nonprofits, and government departments). When it comes to our readers, everything we do is with them in mind. We have designed our entire website and new coverage calendar based on extensive interviews and surveys with our readers in order to understand what they need and what would make their lives better. We also have committed ourselves to complete transparency when it comes to our news coverage, posting the raw, unedited versions of our interviews with sources on our Behind The Scenes With the Austin Common podcast. And lastly, we've created our two individual clubs (The Austin Common and the Common Good Professional Network) to create more two-way communication between our staff and readers, giving our readers the opportunity to help drive the kind of stories we tell, programs we launch, and initiatives we lead. When it comes to our nonprofit, business, and government Community Partners, we have dedicated ourselves to telling their stories in a way that's authentic, genuine, and reflective of all the good work they're doing in the local community. We take the time to get to know each and every one of our partners, creating content and marketing for them in ways we know will be effective, as opposed to wasting their money on boring pop-up ads that no one will ever read. And we've developed our Community Partner program to fit all price points, ensuring that nonprofits and businesses of all sizes are able to afford to be part of our network.
Educating the community about our environment (what they can do to make a difference) is at the very core of what we do as an organization. Some specific ways that we do good for the planet include: --Managing the Austin Reuse Directory and the Austin Green Business Directory - we partnered with the City of Austin to create these two directories to help Austinites find the best ways to reuse, repair, and donate old items (instead of simply throwing them away) and support local green businesses. --In our news coverage, we focus on telling stories about the intersection of the environment and social justice, exploring how sustainability impacts so many other aspects of local life. --We cohost the Shades of Green radio show, which streams live each week out of the solar-powered KOOP radio station and educates regular Austinites how to have a positive impact on the planet.
Want to get more involved with The Austin Common? Here's how: 1. Subscribe to the Weekly Common - Delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday evening/ Friday morning, The Weekly Common tells you everything you need to know for the week ahead… and all in 20 minutes or less. 2. Join one of our individual membership clubs - launching later this spring, our two membership clubs are the best way to interact with us on a deeper and meaningful level. The Common Club is our supportive online & in-person membership community/storytelling collective for those who are younger (especially millennials and gen z) & those who are newer to Austin & still need introductory & how-to info. The Common Good Professional Network is our high-level digital forum for sharing in-depth & behind-the-scenes information amongst established sustainability & civic leaders. You learn more about our membership clubs here -
The Austin Common
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