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Can’t get enough local news? With our Behind The Scenes podcasts, you’ll gain access to the full length versions of all the interviews that inform our weekly reporting. That means hours and hours of in-depth conversations with local community leaders, politicians, activists, and Austinites doing super rad stuff. 


With our Behind The Scenes podcast, we take the mystery out of our reporting, honor our commitment to openness and transparency with our readers, and you give you the opportunity to take a deep dive into the issues you’re passionate about by…

We Actually Explain The News

We conduct interviews with the assumption that our audience is not an expert on the topic we’re discussing. That’s why we always prompt our guests to avoid acronyms, ditch the fancy-sounding jargon-y language, and be as clear as possible.

We keep it nonpartisan.


You’ve got enough stress in your life. That’s why we don’t spend our entire interview yelling over our guests and blurting out our own opinions. Sure, we ask them important questions, but we also honor their intelligence and let them speak for longer than 30 seconds at a time.

We Keep It Brief

For any of our podcasts, you can read a short synopsis (if you don’t have time to listen to a full episode) or you can listen to the entire interview (which can be 30 – 60 minutes long). It’s all part of our commitment to honoring your busy schedule and your intelligence, all at the same time. Read a little, or listen to a lot. We’ll make sure you’re informed either way.

District 2 Mural - Time Warner Building
2016 City Council Races
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – The Race for Austin City Council’s District 2

Choosing your City Council member is a big deal. This is the person who will represent you in City Hall for the next four years. They’ll make policies that will influence the city’s transportation infrastructure, affordability, environment, and your own neighborhood. That’s why it’s important

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