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The National Parks of Texas Documentary Screening

Will C. Hogg Building - University of Texas Austin, TX, United States

From the Austin EcoNetwork, University of Texas, and National Parks Conservation Association - Come out to WCH 1.120 on the University of Texas campus on Tuesday, April 26th at 7pm for a free screening of the National Park Service's 100th Anniversary documentary entitled "The National...

National Trails Day Celebration

Martin Park 10 Chicon St, Austin, TX, United States

Hosted by TreeFolks, the National Parks Conservation Association, and the Texas Conservation Corps - Join us as we celebrate National Trails Day! We'll have volunteer events in the morning from 9am to 11:30am throughout the city, and invite all volunteers and friends to our afternoon...

Park Talk: To Love And To Advocate


NPCA's Park Talk series is a new way for park advocates to stay informed and engaged in the most important issues facing America's national parks. Please join us for this special online event featuring Fort Davis National Historic Site. What does it mean to advocate...


Park Talk: Protecting the Intrinsic Value of the Night Sky


NPCA's Park Talk series is a way for park advocates to stay informed and engaged in the most important issues facing America's national parks. When the sun sets in national parks, a new world awakens, beckoning you to take in the wonder of a starry night sky. With increasing...


A Clear Solution: Reducing haze pollution at our Texas national parks


Almost 90% of the national parks are impacted by air pollution including Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountains, obstructing the awe inspiring views of geological wonders and night skies. The State of Texas is currently updating its plan to reduce pollution impacting these parks and the health of visitors in surrounding communities and need to hear...

Protect our Parks: Interactive Advocacy Workshop


Climate change is the biggest threat facing our national parks. While national parks are warming at twice the rate as the rest of the country, through swift and comprehensive climate action, we can reverse course and protect our treasured places, communities and planet. In this...
