Wish this page included upcoming events for your business/ organization/ meetup group/ club?

VegAustin Trailer Social

South First Food Court 603 West Live Oak, Austin, TX, United States

Celebrate Memorial Day weekend with Imagine Tea Leaf and Counter Culture Junior, and the start of VegAustin Trailer Socials, a new series of night events for Austin's veg community. Invite all your friends and come out to meet new ones! Saturday May 28th at 7:30pm,...

Vegan Thanksgiving Eve Dinner at Mr. Natural

Mr. Natural - Cesar Chavez 1901 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX, United States

Hosted by the Austin Vegan and Vegetarian Association - Once again we'll be having our traditional meetup the night before Thanksgiving for Mr. Natural's vegan Thanksgiving Eve Dinner. They'll be serving their dinner at both locations all day, on Cesar Chavez and South Lamar, but...
