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Climate Change
Amy Stansbury

It’s Climate Change Awareness Month!

Although the temperatures are cooling off, we just wrapped up one heck of a hot summer here in Austin. In fact, according to the National Weather Service, it was our third hottest summer in recorded history. That’s why Mayor Steve Adler and the city’s Office of Sustainability have declared

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Tom Solar
Amy Stansbury

Net-Zero Hero: Tom Myers

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability    Meet Tom Myers, owner of a local shaved ice company called SolarSno. SolarSno’s food trucks are the first in Austin to be powered entirely off the grid using renewable solar energy. While Tom was

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Amy Stansbury

Austin Green Business Leader Lights The Way For Off-Grid Solar

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability    René Geneva has a long history of entrepreneurship. Back in the late 1990s, she started an eco-fashion line called René Geneva Design. She sold in several stores, including Whole Foods Market, and won Austin Fashion

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The Flaws of Straws
Amy Stansbury

The Flaws of Straws

Sponsored Post – from Austin Resource Recovery    By: Alexandra Mascareno   Have a seat at your favorite restaurant and what do you see? Silverware enveloped in neatly folded linens, a tiny centerpiece with fresh flowers, cute dinner plates and ice cold water. You take

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Bright Green Future
Amy Stansbury

Earn Some $$ To Green Your School

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability   Teachers – are you ready to make this school year the best one yet? Apply for a Bright Green Future Grant and you can earn up to $3,000 for a sustainability project at your school.  

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Susan Ward
Amy Stansbury

Net-Zero Hero: Susan Ward

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability    Meet Susan Ward, a student at the University of Texas working toward a degree in Urban Studies. Susan first became passionate about sustainability while attending high school in her hometown of El Paso. Since

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Apple School
Amy Stansbury

Back To School With The Three R’s

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability   It’s the end of the summer and time for kids to head back to school. So how do you combine school’s three R’s of reading, writing and ‘rithmetic with the planet’s three R’s of reduce, reuse, and recycle? We all

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Michelle Hernandez
Amy Stansbury

Net-Zero Hero: Michelle Hernandez

Sponsored Post – from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability      Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way!   As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure

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Austin Creative Reuse Paint
Amy Stansbury

How To Create A Zero Waste Classroom

Sponsored Post – from Austin Creative Reuse    This post was created to help teachers and parents reduce waste in the classroom. It was written by Bernadette Noll and Jessica Martinez.   Students need adult models and they need to be empowered to make the

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Resiliency Training
Climate Change
Amy Stansbury

Training For Resiliency In A Changing Climate

A few years ago, a local climate scientist did some research and made projections on how climate change might affect our city for years to come.   In that report, it was predicted that the number of hot days (over 100 degrees) could increase to over 80

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Talk Green To Me
Amy Stansbury

Talk Green To Me

Make this a summer of learning with the Austin Public Library’s Talk Green To Me series.   Over the next three weeks, the new Austin Central Library (in partnership with the City of Austin Office of Sustainability) will be hosting educational events all focused around the environment.

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