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We’ve all seen the pictures of growing landfills and trash-filled oceans… But how do we go from a society that throws away 4.5 lbs a day to one that throws away nothing? That’s what we explore in our recycling + zero waste stories.

Recycled Art
Amy Stansbury

Turning Trash into Treasure

Did you know? Texas Disposal Systems reclaims, recycles, and repurposes as much material from the landfill as possible. In their effort to divert even more and eliminate the stigma attached to trash, they decided that they wanted to showcase the potential and beauty of materials discarded

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Amy Stansbury

Free Composting Classes

Looking for a way to reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill and make your garden flourish, all at the same time? Be sure to check out one of Austin Resource Recovery’s free home composting classes. Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Rather than

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Castle Hill Composts
Amy Stansbury

A Composting Gym

Sponsored Post – from Castle Hill Fitness Did you know? Austin’s local green gym, Castle Hill Fitness, composts their waste! Just last year they started composting paper towels and food waste in the gym and lockers rooms. Castle Hill’s Food for Fitness Cafe composts as well. The Castle

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Austin Resource Recovery Truck
Amy Stansbury

Recycling & Composting Survey

Austin Resource Recovery is considering two major changes to its residential curbside pickup services and it wants your opinions. The department is currently asking for public input on two service expansions – weekly recycling pickup and organics/composting collection. This input will be considered while Austin Resource Recovery is

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Tell Austin Resource Recovery – Composting First!

  Guest Post – from Texas Campaign for the Environment Austin’s recycling department, Austin Resource Recovery (ARR), has released a survey asking residents about two proposed ideas for reducing waste – upgrading the existing curbside recycling program to weekly service, or launching a new service for city-wide

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Austin Creative Reuse Store
Amy Stansbury

Your Guide to a Zero Waste Holiday

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are a great time to unwind, reconnect with friends and family, and to enjoy a hearty helping of your favorite Christmas cookies. Unfortunately, the holidays are also a time of year that produces a lot of excess

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Zero Waste Business Rebate
Amy Stansbury

Zero Waste Business Rebates

Sponsored Post – from Austin Resource Recovery Own a business? Want to start, expand, or improve your recycling or composting program? Austin Resource Recovery is here to help. They have just updated the application process for their Zero Waste Business Rebate, making it easier than ever to jump start your business’ own

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new compost pedaller bike
Amy Stansbury

Compost Pedallers Crowdfunding Campaign

Sponsored Post – from the Compost Pedallers Food waste in the US is a big problem. We produce a lot of it and when it’s sent to the landfill, all it does is rot and produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Ever since their first

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new compost pedaller bike
Compost Pedallers

Taking Out the Trash One Bike Ride at a Time

Sponsored Post – from the Compost Pedallers Food waste in the US is a 133 billion pound problem. Americans throw away enough food every year to fill the Sears tower 44 times. Most of this organic waste gets trucked to landfills and buried, where it

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Curbside Composting
Amy Stansbury

Victory! Curbside Composting Saved (for now)

Guest Post – from Andrew Dobbs with Texas Campaign for the Environment We won! (For now). Thanks to letters, calls, emails, and social media actions from hundreds of residents, the Austin City Council today authorized the first pieces of a curbside composting program that will

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Amy Stansbury

EcoBits: Big Solar Vote, UT Fracking, & Citywide Composting

[Energy] The US government wants you to improve the energy efficiency of your home. And, to make this as easy as possible, they’re deploying an army of trained professionals to cities across the country, all with one mission in mind – to give Americans a Home Energy Score.Kind of like

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