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Local government is important. It’s the branch of government that affects your life the most, and yet, many of us can barely remember the name of our mayor or City Council member. That’s why we break it all down for you in a way that’s clear, easy-to-understand, and even a little fun.  No PhD in poli sci needed!


New to The Austin Common? Here’s two ways we suggest learning more about local government:

#1 – Get yourself a copy of “A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government: Austin Edition.” 

#2 – Start reading our Civics 101 news stories, conveniently laid out for you below. 

Austin City Hall
Amy Stansbury

What does the election mean for Austin?

Nobody needs to be told that this was a significant election season in America. At the national level, the campaigns were contentious, personal, and emotional. The results of that election and what they will mean for Austin and for the world, will surely be discussed

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District 6 Mural - Baked by Amys
2016 City Council Races
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – The Race for Austin City Council’s District 6

Choosing your City Council member is a big deal. This is the person who will represent you in City Hall for the next four years. They’ll make policies that will influence the city’s transportation infrastructure, affordability, environment, and your own neighborhood. That’s why it’s important

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District 2 mural - We love North Loop
2016 City Council Races
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – The Race for Austin City Council’s District 4

Choosing your City Council member is a big deal. This is the person who will represent you in City Hall for the next four years. They’ll make policies that will influence the city’s transportation infrastructure, affordability, environment, and your own neighborhood. That’s why it’s important

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2016 City Council Races
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – The Race for Austin City Council’s District 7

Choosing your City Council member is a big deal. This is the person who will represent you in City Hall for the next four years. They’ll make policies that will influence the city’s transportation infrastructure, affordability, environment, and your own neighborhood. That’s why it’s important

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Traffic Austin
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – Transportation and Prop 1

What are the biggest issues facing Austin today? The most common answers to that question are transportation and affordability. Well, Prop 1 affects both of them. Which means that this is the big one. This is the issue of this local election season. So now’s

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District 2 Mural - Time Warner Building
2016 City Council Races
Amy Stansbury

Civics 101 – The Race for Austin City Council’s District 2

Choosing your City Council member is a big deal. This is the person who will represent you in City Hall for the next four years. They’ll make policies that will influence the city’s transportation infrastructure, affordability, environment, and your own neighborhood. That’s why it’s important

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Climate Change
Amy Stansbury

Obama, DiCaprio, and Climate Change

Austin’s innovative SXSW spirit went all the way to the White House last week for SXSLawn, an event inspired by our very own famous festival. Earlier this year, President Obama spoke at SXSW here in Austin and was so inspired by what he saw that he

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Register to Vote
Amy Stansbury

Voter Turnout in Local Elections

Election season continues, and as promised, here at the Austin EcoNetwork, we are keeping things local. Over the next several weeks we’ll be sharing all the info you need to make an educated vote in this year’s local election. Because the truth is, local elections matter

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Amy Stansbury

Election Season is Upon Us

It’s that time of year again. Election season is upon us and here at the Austin EcoNetwork, we want to make sure that you are informed about the candidates and issues at the local level. The presidential election is of course, important. But too often, we

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Austin City Hall
Amy Stansbury

And here’s Austin’s new budget…

After months of negotiations and meetings, the City of Austin has a budget. Last week, City Council approved a $3.7 billion budget for the 2016/2017 fiscal year, which begins on October 1st. The general fund (which pays for police, fire, libraries, parks, etc) is $970 million.

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Lone Star Rail
Amy Stansbury

Rail in Austin Struggles… Again

The dream of an Austin to San Antonio rail line appears to be dying, at least in its current form. The Lone Star rail line has been in the planning stages since 2003 and has received money and support from cities and counties up and

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