29 May The League of Bicycling Voters is now Bike Austin™
The League of Bicycling Voters is now doing business as Bike Austin™. Our new logo is shown above.
Our decision to make this change was the result of internal discussions among board, staff, and consultants to find a name and logo that better served our mission and our needs to carry out that mission. Our new name is succinct, clear, identifies us as an Austin organization, recognizes that our work to advance Austin bicycling is not limited to what is accomplished in the voting booth, and helps the broader Austin community to view us as a bicycling organization that they can identify with beyond just a political organization.
It may take some time to adjust to the new name. Those involved with discussing the new name, including me, have already had months to adjust. The nostalgia for the old name will be strong, but I expect that even if you are hesitant about our new name today, that you will become comfortable over time, just as I and board members have.
We hope to make a full transition to the new name and logo by this fall. In the meantime, we will notify you as we establish new contact info and other logistics. Our old contact info will function as well for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your patience as we make the transition.
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