Lawns Use Up A Lot Of Water. Here’s What We Can Do About It.

Lawns Use Up A Lot Of Water. Here’s What We Can Do About It.

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Austinites You Should Know

About Austin Water

This post is sponsored by our community partner, Austin Water, our city's publicly-owned water utility.

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This post is sponsored by Austin Water. All Austin Common sponsors are screened by The Austin Common team to ensure they’re doing good for their employees, our community, and the planet.

Climate change is threatening Texas’ water supply. Scientists have predicted that as time goes on, Austin will likely see longer and deeper periods of drought.


So what is Austin doing about it? Well, back in 2018, City Council approved Water Forward, a plan to guide Austin’s water future for the next 100 years. Included in that plan were lots of recommendations to increase our water supply, lower our water use, and expand water reuse programs. 


Right now, Austin Water is working on several of those recommendations, including two big ones that you have the opportunity to get involved with this month:


In this post, we’re going to focus on the Irrigation & Landscape Ordinance, but if you want to learn more about ASR, click here to see the post we published all about that last week. 

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