Indoor Cats and Wild Birds

Picture: Calliope the cat fiercely attacking her prey.

Recently there's been a lot in the news about the effect of outside cats on bird populations. The New York Times covered the issue last month. Even the sweetest cat can be a fierce hunter, and do serious damage to local bird populations.

Collars with bells are often thought to keep cats from catching birds, but recent evidence suggests that this is not always true. This article from the Cornell Feline Health Center explores the problem in more depth. The best way to protect birds is to keep your cat inside. But it's not just for the birds (so to speak)!

As a cat owner myself, I've been repeatedly told to keep my cats inside for their health. Cars, coyotes, snakes, and all manner of dangers lurk outside, and it is well-established that indoor cats live longer lives. Just be sure to play with your indoor cat and provide lots of interesting indoor activities! Your cats will be able to get their fill of bird watching from window perches, and you will know that you're doing the right thing for the birds and for your cats!

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