Here’s How You Can Help Clean The Air In Texas Parks

Here’s How You Can Help Clean The Air In Texas Parks

Haze Pollution
Austinites You Should Know

About The Organization

This post is from the National Parks Conservation Association, a nonprofit organization that works to protect and preserve our country's national parks for present & future generations.

Action Items

Action Box

Submit your comments on the Regional Haze Plan to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality by January 8th.

This post is sponsored by the National Parks Conservation Association. All Austin Common sponsors are screened by The Austin Common team to ensure they’re doing good for their employees, customers, our community, and the planet.


Raise your hand if you’ve ever stood at the top of Guadalupe Peak or enjoyed a moment of wonder at the Window Overlook at Big Bend.


These iconic and beloved Texas places have attracted visitors from all over the world. But right now, they’re under threat… from haze pollution.


Haze-forming pollution comes from both human and natural sources like coal plants or wildfires. It then impacts not only the beautiful vistas and dark night skies of 90 percent of our national parks, but it also negatively impacts human health.


Here in Texas, a lot of our haze is generated by coal plants. In fact, Texas coal plants emit the most visibility-impairing, lung-damaging sulfur dioxide pollution in the nation, resulting in more than 17,000 asthma attacks, 380 deaths and more than 70,000 missed workdays every year.

So what can you do about it?


Right now, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is working on its new Regional Haze Plan. Under this most recent plan, no pollution would be reduced, and Texas’ oldest and dirtiest power plants would keep operating without modern pollution controls.


But there’s still time for you to get involved. The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) is calling on Texans to tell the TCEQ that we want a stronger haze plan before the public comment period ends on January 8th. As a 101 year-old advocacy organization leading the fight to protect our national parks, wildlife and the visitor experience, NPCA needs your help to speak up for our treasured places and tell TCEQ to clean the air!


Click here to submit your comments.


PS – You can learn more about haze and its impact on parks and communities here.

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