Nina Berenato Jewelry

After years in business, each piece of Nina Berenato’s collection still touches the designer’s hands. From her humble beginnings as a metalsmith’s apprentice in Brooklyn to gracing the pages of Vogue, W, Cosmopolitan, MTV and outfitting fashion-forward celebrities like Alicia Keys, Lena Dunham, FKA Twigs, Lizzo, Beyonce and Lady Gaga it’s obvious that Nina walks through life with her eyes open, bringing a one of a kind vision to each design. A large part of Nina Berenato’s brand identity rests on the designer’s goal to use her gift for design to make all women feel powerful, beautiful and capable of anything.

Since opening up her first retail store located in Austin, TX inside of a re-furbished 1959 Airstream Bambi, Nina has become a fixture in Austin’s growing maker community. Now you can even learn from her personally and her mentors at her very own academy! The Jewelry Academy!


Nina Berenato Jewelry is the first fashion retail business in Austin, Texas to earn the city’s highest sustainability honor as a Platinum Green Business Leader, going toe-to-toe and surpassing billion-dollar companies. We do not stock on our shelves any products that contain plastic, my storefront and manufacturing facility run on wind power, my jewelry is made of 100% recycled materials, recycle and reuse all metal scraps, and all of our e-commerce packaging is not only compostable, but it sprouts flowers when planted.


I joined because I wanted to be a leader at the Domain and even though I am one of the smallest stores, I realized that many of the other shops look up to me as an example of how to do right by the community. I’m always pushing myself and my company to be better and this was just another way that I could be the best I could be.


Phone: (512) 522-1993

Monday – Saturday

10:00 AM – 7:00 PM


12:00 PM – 6:00 PM


3200 Palm Way
Austin, TX 78758

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