Climate Change Committee Meeting Join us on Zoom! In-person events have been cancelled for all Sierra Club activities through February 2021. Dang. You can also join our Zoom video conference here: . 6:30-7:15 or 7:30 - Presentation to be announced 7:15-8:00 Climate Change Committee Meeting...
Our monthly Austin Sierra Club meeting will be online via Zoom. We'll start off with Announcements on current events... Tonite's main program is Capital Area Master Naturalists (CAMN), with Lisa Audiffred, David Cook and Andrew Harrod. CAMN is a chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) program,...
Join the chicken keeping community! Keeping chickens is a great way to keep your food waste out of the landfill. Chickens can recycle your food scraps. Chicken keeping and composting methods go hand-in-hand to keep food waste out of the landfill while creating healthy soil....
Huston-Tillotson University, Food Tank, Oatly, and friends present an official SXSW event: Just Food: Community, Culture, and Economy Location: Huston-Tillotson University @ 2:30-5PM CST (King-Seabrook Chapel @ 900 Chicon St, Austin, TX 78702). Confirmed Speakers Include (In Alphabetical Order): Greg Asbed, Coalition of Immokalee Workers Sue...
Join SBCA for our weekly hike! Naturalist Sarah Larocca will lead us along the Violet Crown trail and introduce us to common plants.
Shifting the systems that address harm requires us to understand that our current legal system is rooted in the multi-generational and ancestral socialization of racism. As white people, we have been socialized to believe that violent legal, criminal, and carceral systems–systems rooted in punishment and...
CCL Austin has our monthly meeting this Saturday, March 12. This month's get together will feature a segment on upcoming lobbying opportunities in this redistricting "between-times." We'll also learn how CCL has contributed significantly to some big-impact, bipartisan climate legislation. Come say hello virtually and...
Come meet with Texas State House Representative Vikki Goodwin of District 47! She will speak about upcoming legislation and answer questions.
Rainforest Partnership's Films for the Forest is an annual film competition, founded to create awareness about the importance of tropical rainforests and the ongoing threats faced by forests and the communities that depend on them. We want to encourage and challenge filmmakers around the world,...