Happy Hour /food and beverages (http://www.scholzgarten.com/): 6-7 pm
Socializing and informal discussions on current events: 6-7 pm
Announcements and program begin at 7 pm
PROGRAM: Millennials, #MAGA and Muddled Messaging: How to Win, with Robin Rather
As regions build multimodal transit systems, they increasingly look for funding at the local level. Some local ballot measures fail; but others pass, despite well-organized anti-transit groups. How come? Hear from a seasoned veteran and visionary steeped in strategic communications, market research and campaign organizing about trends affecting transit campaigns. This no-holds-barred presentation is designed to stir imaginative critical-thinking strategies and messaging for our community.
Robin Rather is CEO of Collective Strength, specializing in market research and strategic planning for business, government, and nonprofit organizations. She has served as a lead consultant on projects that involve renewable energy strategies, water conservation, and healthcare. Robin has a B.A. cum laude in Sociology from Tufts University. She has served as Vice President of Hill Country Conservancy, chair of Livable City, chair of Save Our Springs Alliance, Texas Advisory Board of Environmental Defense, and boards of University of Texas Center for Sustainable Development and Envision Central Texas.
Consider biking, carpooling, or taking Cap Metro (http://www.capmetro.org/planner) to the meeting. Free parking is available after 6pm on San Jacinto and nearby streets.