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“Shades of Green” Environmental Talk Radio, KOOP 91.7 FM (Nuclear Energy with SEED Coalition)

January 24 @ 7:16 pm

Join “Shades of Green” for this week’s program as we speak about the issues around nuclear energy and promoting more renewable energies in Texas. You can stream our show live each Thursday from 1-2PM on www.koop.org and find us on Facebook.

Our guest this week is Karen Hadden, Executive Director of SEED Coalition (Sustainable Energy and Economic Development). SEED is an alliance of individuals, businesses, and organizations advocating sustainable energy strategies for Texas, including the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy, such as solar, wind and geothermal power. SEED Coalition educates the public about the economic, environmental, and health benefits of a sustainable energy strategy. We track relevant policy-making and legislative processes and informs the public of opportunities to voice their opinions.

The SEED Coalition is a project of the Texas Fund for Energy and Environmental Education (TFE3). TFE3 is a grassroots organization established to provide research, information, and education to public interest communities, the general public, the media, private industry, and public policy makers to encourage an equally accessible, fair, and informed decision-making process for the benefit of all Texans, particularly those who are under-represented . Our major areas of focus include: the environment; health, safety, and public welfare; energy efficiency and sustainable energy; transportation; and telecommunication and information services.