Transformative sound bath led by artist Guadalupe Maravilla as his newest sculptural installation and its healing properties are activated.
Join Fusebox and Waterloo Greenway for a transformative sound bath led by Guadalupe Maravilla as this sculptural installation is unveiled and its sound healing properties are activated for the first time. Space is limited.
Reservation Required.
Serpent of the Sun and the Moon is a sculptural art work created specifically for the Austin solar eclipse by renown international artist Guadalupe Maravilla. The bronze sculpture functions as vibrational healing instruments. It represents a serpent holding two gongs – a Sun Gong coming from the cloud, and Moon gong from the mouth of the serpent. Each gong resonates at the frequency of their corresponding celestial bodies.
The installation is one of seven projects nationally supported by the Simons Foundation as part of their newly launched Triangle Program, which brings together artists, scientists, and producers to create new artworks and engage audiences in creative ways.