During National Small Business Week, join the Circular Economy Program to learn how your business can add social impact to your business narrative through circular strategies. Five Austin businesses will share how they have used these circular strategies to create innovative business models that are more sustainable and set them apart from their competitors.
After the panel, we’ll break into small groups where you can brainstorm with other business owners and panelists about how you can add an element of circularity into your business.
Wait, but what are “circular strategies”?
Circular strategies are business decisions and structures that see waste as a resource or design out waste altogether. According to Accenture, businesses who adopt circular strategies are “decoupling growth from scarce or harmful resources and developing new revenue streams that add customer value with circular business models.” Business small and large, from artisans on Etsy and craft breweries to Google and IKEA, are embracing this way of reimagining their business. Join them in transforming our linear economy into a circular one.
Yogesh Sharma, CEO & Co-Founder, Lettuce.FM :: Circular Business Model Design
Lafe T. Larson, CEO & Co-Founder, Lafe’s Natural BodyCare :: Sustainable Materials Innovation
Rhoda Brimberry & Anna Crelia, Co-Owners and Founders, Loot Rentals :: Products As A Service
Lauri Turner, Founder, Hatbox :: Product Life Extension
Yure Suarez Flores, Owner, Materialized :: Using Waste as a Resource
Stay tuned for more panelist announcements!
Check out other sessions offered by the City of Austin Small Business Program in celebration of National Small Business Week.
Austin Resource Recovery provides a wide range of services designed to transform waste into resources while keeping our community clean. Our goal is to reach Zero Waste by 2040, which means reducing the amount of trash sent to landfills by 90 percent.
Austin Resource Recovery provides residential curbside collection of trash, recycling and yard trimmings. Additional services include sweeping streets, collecting dead animals, operating a drop-off center for household hazardous waste and collecting bulk items and large brush.