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Permablitz at the Fry House!

January 23 @ 1:09 am

Kirby Fry, the initial firestarter for all of the Permablitzes in Central Texas, has graciously accepted a Permablitz at his house!

We are going full force into effectively utilizing one of the greatest resources in our arid climate here in Central Texas, WATER! We will be building a full scale 3,000 gallon water catchment system. It will be catching all of the water that lands on Kirby's self built strawbale home. He also has an existing grey water system that we will be completing out with riparian plants to filter out the water. And, to go even further with water and soil conservation we will also be re-sculpting a few berms and swales on his property.

What an exciting opportunity to learn from such a wealth of existing and new knowledge on one property!

This will be the first time since we all embarked upon this blitzing mission to change the structure and project for the event. Normally, as most of you already know, we build a berm and swale system with a perennial food forest style garden complete with irrigation. Please see the schedule below for an idea of how this blitz will go.

*General schedule of events:

Saturday 1/18

9:00-9:30am: Tour of the property
9:30-10:15am: Instructional Workshop on water catchment
10:15am-12:30pm: Initial build out of water catchment system
12:30-1:30pm: Lunch provided by the lovely Linda Colonna!
1:30-2:30pm: Instructional Workshop on grey and black water systems
2:30-5:00pm: Completion of water catchment and begin planting riparian plants

Sunday 1/19

9:00-10:00am: Instructional Workshop on water and soil conservation
10:00am-12:30pm: Berm and swale sculpting and finishing touches on water catchment
12:30-1:30pm: More delicious food from Linda!
1:30-2pm: Brief recap of projects and what else needs to be completed
2-5pm: Completing what is left and general hangin out with the crew!

*Schedule is subject to change. These events are very flow based-depends on how many people come out and how fast we get things done.

For more information please visit www.austinperm.com/permablitz or email me at monroe.taelor@gmail.com

Hope to see all of your beautiful faces out there! ♥