Master Gardener Patricia Mokry will be in store to lead this hands-on class where you will learn to propogate your own African Violet. This class will touch on the following topics:
– Types of rooting compounds and soils used in propagation protocols
– How to propagate by seed, leaf, stem and root cuttings
All materials and tools will be provided, but if you have a favorite gardening tool, bring it! Otherwise, just bring yourself and a positive let’s-do-this attitude.
Patricia Mokry is a Native Texan, born and raised in Llano, Texas. She has a BS in Medical Technology and a Masters in Science Education. She taught biology at Westlake High School, Austin Community College and St. Edward’s University. She was certified as a Travis County Master Gardener. She is certified as a Specialist in Plant Propagation, Entomology, Earth-Kind Landscaping, Composting, First Detector and Greenhouse Management. Currently, Pat is serving her second term as President of the Travis County Master Gardener Association.