Join us at the Center for an evening of Crafting and Reuse February 11th 7p – 9p.
Valentine Medals and Awards: Recognize a special valentine with a repurposed medal – a great way to acknowledge someone’s best qualities and share your art with them.
We’ll also be having a Valentine exchange -bring a home-made valentine with you to class (sealed in an unmarked envelope)
We love being able to offer these craft nights free to the public! But please, if you are not able to make it than cancel your reservation so that another person may take advantage. These fill up fast yet attendance has been low.
Imbibe: Bring a snack to share and beverage (alcohol optional)
Share: Bring a reuse or upcycle craft or artwork you would like to show off. (made by you, a friend, an artist, your choice)
Learn: Shiree will demonstate a “suprise” activity using reuse materials.
Play: Create great stuff! Items from Bucket will be free but not materials from the front of the center.
Hope to see you there! You can RSVP here.