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EPA Hearing on coal ash in Dallas all day

January 4 @ 8:23 pm

 We are looking forward to seeing Austin people in full force at the EPA hearing in Dallas next Wednesday!

Here’s why people from neighboring states are making the trek to Dallas and how you can too! This hearing is setting precedent for coal (and other fossil fuel) companies to take responsibility for cleaning up their own mess and will safeguard thousands upon thousands of people. Coal Ash is toxic, and your trash at home has more regulations! Please see for videos and some FAQ’s: www.cleanuptexasnow.org All of the comments count, and having you there to support a strong ruling for the disposal of coal ash will be noticed by the EPA. There are activities and opportunities to meet new people all day long: *Meet folks who are exploring, protecting, and enjoying the planet! People are busing in from Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and from all around the great state of Texas. *Speakers Panel at noon with Michael Brune *Lunch (snacks will also be available after the panel) *Q & A Session with experts 3-4PM *Vigil and movie 6:30PM *Submit your comment to the EPA as late as 9PM Getting to Dallas and Back We’re meeting at the Sierra Club Office 1202 San Antonio Austin, TX 78702 It will take about 3.5 hours from the Office to the Recency Hotel Please fill out the form to let us know if you need or can offer a ride and to let us know you will be there! First wave of Austinites: Meet @ 8AM, leave at 8:30 Second wave of Austinites: Meet @ 2PM, leave at 2:30 Create your own wave: grab some folks and carpool Filling out the form helps us be effective with our resources; including renting vehicles, having enough food/snacks, and to know how many to expect and when.

Let us know you are planning to attend! We will follow up with you! My appreciation goes out to you for taking the time to support a strong ruling on coal ash.

if you can’t make the hearing, please submit your comment online. See you in Dallas on Wednesday! Cheers, Erin Hickok Sierra Club m: 612.867.1910 skype: erin.hickok erinlynnhickok@gmail.com Helpful Links: Share the sign up to attend link with other Austin people!! https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHNUWEpmYUxXN3pqM2FMRUtNODc1SHc6MQ For the latest updates and videos: www.cleanuptexasnow.org To schedule a time to speak with the EPA: (10-1 is now closed) http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/nonhaz/industrial/special/fossil/ccr-rule/ccr-form.htm