Bring your families, neighbors, and friends to our first in-person DOPE quarterly General Assembly meeting! During this assembly, you will learn more about AJC’s grassroots organizing strategy and find specific opportunities to help create the organizing vision in your district. In addition, we will host a panel discussion on organizing, and there will be opportunities for networking and relationship building across all city districts.
We will provide food and refreshments and some tunes to groove to. This is a family-friendly event for all districts with child care provided!
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in organizing, looking for new opportunities to get involved with your community, or curious to learn more about DOPE.
DOPE builds community power in every district and invests in deepening trust and relationships within the communities we serve to maximize our mobilization efforts. Through DOPE, we practice building and transforming with a long-term vision.

Aug. 20th

12:00PM – 2:30PM

Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex – 1156 Hargrave St, Austin, TX 78702